Meaning of kinchit in english
Interpreting kinchit - किंचित्
As noun : aught
As adjective :
somewhat Ex:  He relied somewhat on the work of an earlier geographer remote Ex:  To start a remote client program displaying to a local server उ: यह किंचित् लसदार, रोमश और गंधयुक्त होती है।
Other : little Ex:  He poured a little water in the atta to make a dough slight Ex:  This perceived slight created instability within the tetrarchy some Ex:  She keeps some tidbits to eat during the intervals. slightly Ex:  William had two sisters, one slightly older, one younger, when his father died. little Ex:  This company has little liquidity. उ: स्वाद में ये दोनों प्रकार, किंचित् दुधिया होते हैं। somewhat Ex:  Precipitation decreases somewhat from west to east small Ex:  inconceivably small slightly Ex:  In Blin, the order of the signs is slightly different.
Suggested : small in amount, degree, etc of limited size of comparatively restricted dimensions not big little in some measure or degree to some extent small in size not big not large tiny far apart far distant in space situated at some distance away
Word of the day
Related words :
As noun : किंचित भी नहीं - not for one moment किंचितमाट्र प्रयत्न करना - raise a hand किंचित् आम्ल करना - acidulate
As verb : किंचित परिवर्तन करना - modify
Other : किंचित मसूराकार - sublenticular किंचित् दीर्घलोमी - hirtellous किंचित्आयनित अम्ल - slightly ionised acid किंचित्दीर्घलोमी - hirtellous किंचित्विलेय - slightly soluble
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Verb and/or Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :