Meaning of kisee pad kar kam karna,kisi pad kar kam karna in english

Interpreting kisee pad kar kam karna,kisi pad kar kam karna - किसी पद कर काम करना
Other :
officiate Ex:  It also says a garment that bishops wear under their chasuble when they officiate pontifically
Suggested : to perform the office of a member of the clergy, as at a divine service
Exampleकिसी पद कर काम करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kisee pad kar kam karna,kisi pad kar kam karna

Word of the day
kisee pad kar kam karna,kisi pad kar kam karna . No of characters: 19 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kisii pada kara kaama karanaa

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