Meaning of kisee padarth me parivartan karna,kisi padarth me parivartan karna in english

Interpreting kisee padarth me parivartan karna,kisi padarth me parivartan karna - किसी पदार्थ मे परिवर्तन करना
As verb :
react Ex:  Wandering Albatrosses also react strongly to bathymetry
Suggested : to act in response to an agent or influence
Exampleकिसी पदार्थ मे परिवर्तन करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of kisee padarth me parivartan karna,kisi padarth me parivartan karna

Word of the day
kisee padarth me parivartan karna,kisi padarth me parivartan karna can be used as verb.. No of characters: 28 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kisii padaartha me parivartana karanaa

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