Meaning of konpal in english

Interpreting konpal - कोंपल
As noun : scale Ex:  The floods of the valley came and went depending on long scale climatic change. उ:   बाँस ्की कोंपल के व्यंजन गारो लोगों का प्रिय व्यंजन होता है।
bud Ex:  In 2007, the first bud appeared on 2 March.
As verb : browse Ex:  It may have reared up on its hind legs to browse on foliage from trees
Other : new leaf shoot Ex:  It means, figuratively and familiarly, Demanding, shoot someone a large sum new and tender leaf (just sprouting sprout
Suggested : to eat, nibble at, or feed on (leaves, tender shoots, or other soft vegetation) Botany
a small axillary or terminal protuberance on a plant, containing rudimentary foliage (leaf bud) the rudimentary inflorescence (flower bud) or both (mixed bud) to begin to grow shoot forth, as a plant from a seed to hit, wound, damage, kill, or destroy with a missile discharged from a weapon Zoology
one of the thin, flat, horny plates forming the covering of certain animals, as snakes , lizards, and pangolins
Exampleकोंपल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
konpal can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. Transliteration : ko.npala

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