Meaning of kooda karakat men se saman uthane vala,kuda karakat men se saman uthane vala in english
Interpreting kooda karakat men se saman uthane vala,kuda karakat men se saman uthane vala - कूड़ा करकट में से सामान उठाने वाला
As noun : scavenger Ex:  Some researchers argue that if Tyrannosaurus were a scavenger
magpie Ex:  A chattering magpie pack rat
Suggested : Also called trade rat, wood rat a large, bushy-tailed rodent, Neotoma cinerea, of North America, noted for carrying off small articles to store in its nest either of two corvine birds, Pica pica (black-billed magpie) of Eurasia and North America, or P nuttalli (yellow-billed magpie) of California, having long, graduated tails, black-and-white plumage, and noisy, mischievous habits an animal or other organism that feeds on dead organic matter
Exampleकूड़ा करकट में से सामान उठाने वाला का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of kooda karakat men se saman uthane vala,kuda karakat men se saman uthane vala
Word of the day
kooda karakat men se saman uthane vala,kuda karakat men se saman uthane vala
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 34 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
kuuDaa karakaTa me.n se saamaana uThaane vaalaa