Meaning of kray in english

Interpreting kray - क्रय
As noun : buying Ex:  Dont be stampeded into buying a car. उ:   क्रय विभाग का कार्य कपड़ा खरीदना है।
purchasing Ex:  More vehicles are seen in the city because people are purchasing cars. उ:   यहां विश्व भर के टिकट क्रय करने का भी पटल है।
Other : purchase Ex:  Only after the purchase had been cleared उ:   उनकी क्रय शक्ति बढ़ गई। take off उ:   अनेकों कंपनियों में क्रय एवं विक्रय पक्ष अंगीभूत है। shopper world उ:   अतएव शेयर क्रय करते समय ही इसके स्टॉप लॉस को तय किया जाता है।
Suggested : a taking or setting off the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent buy to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent buy to acquire the possession of, or the right to, by paying or promising to pay an equivalent, especially in money purchase
Exampleक्रय का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
kray can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kraya

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