Meaning of krurata se in english

Interpreting krurata se - क्रूरता से
As noun : cruel Ex:  He could suffer a cruel libel
As adverb :
brutally Ex:  He was brutally assaulted by the police.
Other : fiercely Ex:  The railroads were competing fiercely for traffic and direfully mercilessly Ex:  A suffragon was killed mercilessly last month in Orissa. ferociously Ex:  The Japanese navy continued to fight ferociously
Suggested : savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect violently cruel menacingly wild, savage, or hostile savage cruel inhuman willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others
Exampleक्रूरता से का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of krurata se

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Usage of क्रूरता से:
1. कलेजे के टुकड़ों को क्रूरता से मारकर खुद भी मौत को गले लगाया amarujala.com2. घर की कलह ने उसे इतना तोड़ और डरा दिया कि अचानक अपने कलेजे के टुकड़ों को क्रूरता से मारकर खुद को भी मौत के गले लगा लियाamarujala.com3. कलेजे के टुकड़ों को क्रूरता से मारकर खुद भी मौत को गले लगाया amarujala.comRelated words :
krurata se can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kruurataa se

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