Meaning of kuprabandh in english

Interpreting kuprabandh - कुप्रबन्ध
As noun : misconductn
mismanagement Ex:  His mismanagement of his country's economy
Other : maladministration mismanagement Ex:  The labor problem arose out of mismanagement . anarchy Ex:  repress, subdue anarchy maladministration misconduct Ex:  Mari complacent, dresser, Mari, from interest or some other cause, condone the misconduct of his wife
Suggested : improper conduct wrong behavior a state of society without government or law
Exampleकुप्रबन्ध का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of kuprabandh

Word of the day
kuprabandh can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kuprabandha

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