Meaning of (कठुर) kathura in english

As noun : fierce Ex:  Thompson went on to become a fierce critic of Nixon
tyrannous fiendish Ex:  Murder is a fiendish act. remorseless petty Ex:  He was going through the petty details. grim rough Ex:  It primarily modifies proteins delivered from the rough endoplasmic reticulum relentless hard boiled hard and fast bitter Ex:  he is justifiably bitter abrasive dry Ex:  Tourism tends to be more substantial during the dry season . hard headed sharp Ex:  Dull tools are actually more dangerous than sharp ones stern Ex:  From bow to stern rock hard high handed cold Ex:  The lady of the house extended a cold reception. caustic Ex:  He was also famous for his caustic wit. hardbitten draconian set Ex:  Please set the thermostat at a lower temperature . iron Ex:  Damp the clothes down before you iron them . extreme Ex:  At the other extreme in moral relativism is The Comedian.
As verb : swingeing
As adjective : ruthless Ex:  It is a ruthless man in his anger cruel Ex:  She banned this execution as a form of cruel and unusual punishment. diabolical Ex:  diabolical temptation diabolic inhuman Ex:  He was inhuman to these unfortunate flinty barbaric Ex:  Do not expect them mercy, no grace; These are barbaric people unpitying pitiless godless Ex:  Chambers accused Rand of supporting the same godless system as the Soviets callous hard Ex:  The teacher praised the student for his hard work. rigid Ex:  Moulting occurs whenever the animal outgrows its rigid exoskeleton. severe Ex:  A rarer but equally severe possibility is hyperosmolar nonketotic state inflexible Ex:  inflexible tyrant implacable tough Ex:  Temujin grew up observing the tough political climate of Mongolia dour merciless exemplary Ex:  Lead a holy life, an honest life, exemplary life, a scandalous life, live holy, honestly, in an exemplary manner, shockingly, etc stiff Ex:  Gothic sculpture evolved from the early stiff and elongated style stringent Ex:  stringent Climate unkind Ex:  , Poor beast, man or woman who likes to say or do unkind stony Ex:  A stony path astringent Ex:  Botanical plant of the Labiatae family passes for astringent nasty Ex:  This woman is nasty and quarrelsome penal Ex:  Towards the end of the penal colony era obdurate strenuous bloodless Ex:  The "Aroostook War" was bloodless unsparing
As adverb : devilish Ex:  These devilish abusing nobody stark Ex:  be stark naked, be naked
Suggested : lacking qualities of sympathy, pity, warmth, compassion, or the like cruel brutal having the qualities of a devil devilish fiendish outrageously wicked having the qualities of a devil devilish fiendish outrageously wicked willfully or knowingly causing pain or distress to others menacingly wild, savage, or hostile
Exampleकठुर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(कठुर) kathura can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kaThura

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