Meaning of (कढ्डेरना) kadhderana in english

As noun : eliminate Ex:  Successful transplant can eliminate the patients dependencies in transfusions.
emit Ex:  Active galaxies that emit high-energy radiation include Seyfert galaxies exclude Ex:  If you admit this, you are obliged to exclude it empty Ex:  Go begins with an empty board. spring Ex:  Over the spring of 1922 shed Ex:  Stipules may be lasting and not be shed abstract Ex:  For each abstract returned extract Ex:  Action to extract cry Ex:  On hearing Amfortas' cry sink Ex:  A large sink exorcize move Ex:  Please move and let me get off the bus . kick Ex:  Tacklers cannot kick or punch the runner. thread Ex:  These fibers were split along their length and spun into thread remove Ex:  When the government attempted to remove what it considered as illegal settlers release Ex:  On release he told others that Mussolini was responsible void Ex:  An empty stage, a void act is said of a Scene, act without event, without action, without event can Ex:  He can not be deflated by peoples opposition. point out Ex:  Jim McCartney used to point out the different instruments in songs on the radio knock out pound along give Ex:  Never give in to pressure. drum out slip Ex:  It also tells of a child who is Fun to engage, to slip on the ice skim Ex:  Action to skim raise Ex:  She asked for a raise and was denied draw Ex:  The match finished in a draw and England were eliminated in a penalty shootout. comb Ex:  combs for horses, to comb the manes of horses pull Ex:  He attempted to pull together his research into a general theory. shoot Ex:  I will grant his request, but that this should, without this shoot consequence or, elliptically, without drawing any consequence strike Ex:  The hunger strike was approaching the end of the third week change Ex:  The party manifestos was propagandised to change public opinion.
As verb : elicit unleash withdrawal Ex:  The Federation dissolved after the withdrawal of Jamaica expel Ex:  It is also possible for the House of Commons to expel a Member extricate Ex:  By extension, it will be very difficult to extricate himself from this character free Ex:  No one likes Hindi lecturer,she is too free in her language and behaviour. unpin exorcise pour Ex:  Finance Action to pour money into a box bleed Ex:  As pregnant patients may bleed take off Ex:  Wear hand to the sword, put his hand in the hat, extending his hand to draw the sword, or to take off his hat utter squeeze out uncork send sb off unpack bring out dull Ex:  That dull lecture put me to sleep .
Suggested : Also, withdrawment the act or condition of withdrawing to shut or keep out prevent the entrance of to send forth (liquid, light, heat, sound , particles, etc) discharge to remove or get rid of, especially as being in some way undesirable to release from or as if from a leash set loose to pursue or run at will
Exampleकढ्डेरना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(कढ्डेरना) kadhderana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : kaDhDeranaa

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