Meaning of (कन्द) kand in english

As noun : bulb Ex:  Olfactory pathways are routed to the olfactory bulb उ:   अरबी कन्द में धातुवृद्धि की भी शक्ति है।
Other :
squill उ:   पुराणों में केवल फल और कन्द मूल खाकर जीने वालों का जिक्र है। tuber Ex:  In terms of natural history, Gland earth, acorn-shaped tuber Sort उ:   हल्दी कन्द है जिसे बड़ी आसानी से घर पर उगाया जा सकता है। sugar candy उ:   प्याज़ एक वनस्पति है जिसका कन्द सब्ज़ी के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। candy Ex:  He blew the whole five dollars on candy . उ:   कन्द में आयरन, कैल्शियम, तथा विटामिन ‘सी’ पाया जाता है। root Ex:  I have a lot of root beer on ice for the picnic . उ:   खुदाई करने में कन्द को चोट या खरोंच नहीं लगनी चाहिए। race Ex:  he caught a crab and lost the race उ:   मोटी गर्दन वाले कन्द संग्रहण में शीघ्र ही खराब होने लगते हैं।
Suggested : a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture any of a variety of confections made with sugar, syrup , etc, often combined with chocolate, fruit, nuts, etc Botany a fleshy, usually oblong or rounded thickening or outgrowth, as the potato, of a subterranean stem or shoot, bearing minute scalelike leaves with buds or eyes in their axils from which new plants may arise Botany
a usually subterranean and often globular bud having fleshy leaves emergent at the top and a stem reduced to a flat disk, rooting from the underside, as in the onion and lily
Exampleकन्द का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(कन्द) kand can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kanda

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