Meaning of (कल्हारना) kalharana in english
As noun : scream Ex:  Tilly started to scream at her family to get off the beach .
pipe Ex:  They threw pipe bombs as they made their way towards the West Entrance howl yowl holler yammer screech rant and rave call Ex:  What we today call Aristotelian logic bark Ex:  Cinchona bark was also used to create the anti-malaria drug quinine. wrawl shout Ex:  Let him shout squall hollo roar Ex:  in the end, the great sun The roar of the snow can blind squeal
As verb : shriek whoop exclaim yell Ex:  Action yell or yell at each other clamour cry Ex:  The only cry was 'Change your umpire! rend vociferate
Word of the day
(कल्हारना) kalharana
No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word .
Transliteration :