Meaning of (कश) kash in english

As noun : whiff Ex:  It is only a whiff of temper, anger
pull Ex:  His given name Rolihlahla means "to pull a branch of a tree" puff Ex:  " After a puff of his cigar, Grant replied calmly: "Yes.
Other : eg lash Ex:  Ted smarted under the lash for his wrongdoings . pulling Ex:  Don't keep pulling at your hair . divergent pulling inhaling (of a cigarette -?? formant. drawing suffix used to denote one who pulls or lifts ??????? whip Ex:  A Helping whip a horse drawing Ex:  Philbin is also an author and singer, drawing on the success of his talk show. inhalation wrangling Ex:  Stop wrangling with everyone you meet . raw Ex:  The city exports raw materials such as wood hookah enduring Ex:  His most enduring composition may be the opera Porgy and Bess yacht Ex:  The yacht is moving westward.
Suggested : to beat with a strap, lash, rod, or the like, especially by way of punishment or chastisement flog thrash to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a particular position the flexible part of a whip the section of cord or the like forming the extremity of a whip a short, quick blast, as of wind or breath to draw or haul toward oneself or itself, in a particular direction, or into a particular position
Exampleकश का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of कश:
1. पहले सिगरेट का एक कश फिर ड्रग्स की लत, ऐसे तबाह हुई महिलाओं की जिंदगी! ibnlive.com2. 'बिग बॉस' से बॉलीवुड तक का सफर तय करने वाली वीना मलिक को कई मौके पर कश लगाते देखा जा चुका हैं bhaskar.com3. पहले सिगरेट का एक कश फिर ड्रग्स की लत, ऐसे तबाह हुई महिलाओं की जिंदगी!
(कश) kash can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kasha
Dashmi kumari 17 December, 2024 nice
Ansh 17 December, 2024 Meaning of पक्का

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