Meaning of (कसबल) kasabala in english
As noun : capability Ex:  It may also be related to the poor capability of early computers
might Ex:  Other planets might also have alternation of day and night. ability Ex:  It may also be related to the poor capability of early computers sufficiency Ex:  It does not want more good, he has his sufficiency capacity Ex:  Ruth spoke to a capacity crowd of more than 60,000 deserts Ex:  Most traditional human life in deserts is nomadic. power Ex:  Other power sources were attempted. emphasis Ex:  Its main emphasis is on those symphony orchestra concerts power Ex:  Other power sources were attempted. momentum Ex:  Gaining momentum and a new leader in Thomas Müntzer strength Ex:  He displayed his strength before his friends. might Ex:  Other planets might also have alternation of day and night. kink Ex:  plant of the genus Convolvulaceae flower funnel, the many species that most are climbers and kink to neighboring plants force Ex:  Family has a cohesive force that sustains it as a unit. contortion thrust Ex:  For Earth launch, engines require a thrust to weight ratio of more than unity. pull Ex:  Sharif managed to pull back the remaining soldiers from Indian territory. pressure Ex:  Thus faced with pressure from the Japanese ball Ex:  He drove the ball into the rough. nerve Ex:  The nerve cell bodies of dorsal root muscle Ex:  this muscle abducts staying power stamina Ex:  Wolves are built for stamina vigour force Ex:  Family has a cohesive force that sustains it as a unit. toughness courage Ex:  The courage of the hostages outfaced the cowardice of the hijackers. daring Ex:  It is daring, too daring gut Ex:  We say today rather gut lavage or simply wash bravery Ex:  He was awarded the highest award for bravery by the Americans. mettle nerve Ex:  The nerve cell bodies of dorsal root bottle Ex:  The champagne bottle exploded. balls Ex:  The dancer balanced on the balls of his feet . character Ex:  Any Given Sunday where he played a character very much like himself. pluck Ex:  It also says that the people of we stopped and one holds, as a kind of pledge, to obtain or to pluck up that which is required by heart Ex:  Bob enshrined Jill's memory in his heart . spunk
As adjective : potential Ex:  These rivers provide potential freshwater and other resources. energetic Ex:  energetic style daringness
Other : virility Ex:  Give virility signs
Suggested : the state or fact of being sufficient adequacy power or capacity to do or act physically, mentally, legally, morally, financially, etc simple past tense of may 1 the quality of being capable capacity ability possible, as opposed to actual
Exampleकसबल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(कसबल) kasabala
can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender composed of more than one word originated from Hindi language .
Transliteration :