Meaning of (काकरुक) kakaruka in english
As noun : coward Ex:  substantively, a coward
chickenhearted quitter wimpy lily livered base Ex:  Sky-divers, base jumpers, fireworks and laser shows were extra attractions. cowardly Ex:  I'm a little cowardly yellow Ex:  All commercial soybeans in the United States are yellow or yellow brown. crybaby chicken Ex:  Bob laid into the big plate of fried chicken . gutless yellow bellied poor spirited wimp faint hearted the faint hearted poor Ex:  Raghav is as poor as a church mouse. fainthearted sneaky Ex:  , There are worse water than the water that sleeps, The sneaky people are those he must beware as white livered have nots nude Ex:  In 1515 he painted a nude version of the Mona Lisa, known as Monna Vanna. owl Ex:  All birds resent the owl, the owl continued their cries tied to wifes apron strings betrayal Ex:  Not happy with their betrayal and resistance cheat deceit fraud Ex:  A fraud suspect contract con Ex:  Some treats Dominicans enjoy are arroz con leche swindle rig Ex:  Action to rig or result of this action eye wash dupery traitorism charlatanry elusiveness double cross hoax circumvention chicanery delusiveness treachery Ex:  Kill someone treason, treachery imposture trick Ex:  He played a trick on him traitor well do Ex:  Noble men never do wrong. sham sell Ex:  You'll be sorry if you sell me out . guile duplicity knavishness bubble Ex:  In terms of Arts, he still told of an air bubble which is engaged in glass or metal in a while is molten thuggery/ruffianism
As verb : horrified Ex:  Roy is horrified at the loss of Pris. bare Ex:  Astronomy Lightweight swing the axis of rotation of the earth around a center axis, which describes itself twenty-six miles bare a cone around the perpendicular to the ecliptic plane deceive Ex:  Altering any substance mixed with an evil intent to deceive distrust Ex:  Challenge yourself to yourself, strengths, to distrust his ability, Having little confidence in oneself, in one's own forces, its ability
As adjective : wimpish dastard white livered spineless poltroon timid Ex:  Childhood is timid craven chickenhearted afraid Ex:  she was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing wimpy fearful Ex:  We made this child too fearful pusillanimous Ex:  A soul, a character pusillanimous pigeon hearted apprehensive skittish caitiff aghast daunted meek timorous yellow bellied unmanly lily livered cowardly Ex:  I'm a little cowardly needy Ex:  From rich, he became needy impecunious naked Ex:  The chicks are altricial, usually hatched naked .
Suggested : a color like that of egg yolk, ripe lemons, etc the primary color between green and orange in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 570 and 590 nm lacking courage contemptibly timid a mean , sneaking coward the bottom support of anything that on which a thing stands or rests a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc a timid or easily intimidated person
Word of the day
(काकरुक) kakaruka
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :