Meaning of (काढना) kadhana in english

As noun : eliminate Ex:  The linking was designed to eliminate applause between movements.
emit Ex:  These newly-born stars emit jets of gas along their axis of rotation exclude Ex:  It is, by extension, of things which exclude any idea of playfulness , joke, gaiety empty Ex:  "derivative … trashy, empty and second-hand". spring Ex:  In the spring of 1964 shed Ex:  The result will be a tree that may shed light on how abstract Ex:  The skills we are going to discuss may appear abstract . extract Ex:  Action to extract cry Ex:  She began to cry and her tears fell on the little bird . sink Ex:  also said Let yourself sink to the bottom of a tree exorcize move Ex:  Please don't move away from me . kick Ex:  He was also a dangerous free kick taker. thread Ex:  The thread was spun on the charkha and rolled on the takli . remove Ex:  Many methods can remove caffeine from coffee release Ex:  The SA1500 was to be the first release target for Galileo. void Ex:  Conferring of Liturgy for the second time Holy Orders to someone whose first ordination was made against content guns and declared void by judgment Church can Ex:  Coal can be replaced by oil. point out Ex:  Chomsky and others point out knock out pound along give Ex:  Please give me a postal order. drum out slip Ex:  It is said to similar effect, in terms of typography, the slip of a director pages, etc skim Ex:  Action to skim milk, molten glass raise Ex:  The band intended to raise awareness about Hicks's material and ideas draw Ex:  The Montreal Alouettes of the CFL draw packed crowds at the small comb Ex:  I am too eager to do my hair, comb stroke suffice pull Ex:  Oxen can pull harder and longer than horses shoot Ex:  It also means his shoulder against Apply a gun to shoot strike Ex:  The six TBFs in the first strike force change Ex:  Let's change off every 30 minutes . get Ex:  Those who are pessimists can never get success in their life. rippen burn Ex:  Peter Graf, who limited her play so that she would not burn out. fix Ex:  She wants to fix things right away . fire Ex:  The Monterey was damaged by a fire roast Ex:  The roast was garnished with slices of apple . do Ex:  I do not like backbiting. filter Ex:  I prefer to have filter coffee.
As verb : elicit unleash withdrawal Ex:  The withdrawal method expel Ex:  The Mandubii decided to expel the women and children from the citadel extricate Ex:  extricate a horse that has embarrassed his features free Ex:  advice was free for the asking unpin exorcise pour Ex:  Ground cover or penetrated by water that did pour point bleed Ex:  The guards often let fugitives bleed to death in the middle of this ground take off utter squeeze out uncork send sb off unpack bring out dull Ex:  Though considered a generally dull borrow Ex:  DRAW is used figuratively and signifies Pulling, borrow concoct ripen Ex:  Irradiated fruits ripen faster. cook Ex:  The cook fried the chips. bake Ex:  The family would bake on a fixed schedule, perhaps once a week. stew Ex:  The cook skimmed the fat off the stew . prepare Ex:  You have to prepare for the wintry days. sieve Ex:  Go through the sieve
Other : train Ex:  The actress was followed by a train of admirers.
Suggested : Also, withdrawment the act or condition of withdrawing to shut or keep out prevent the entrance of to send forth (liquid, light, heat, sound , particles, etc) discharge to remove or get rid of, especially as being in some way undesirable to release from or as if from a leash set loose to pursue or run at will
Exampleकाढना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(काढना) kadhana can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kaaDhanaa

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