Meaning of (कामनवेल्थ) kamanaveltha in english
As noun :
commonwealth Ex:  The capital of the commonwealth is Richmond उ: अन्य कामनवेल्थ देशों में तथा अन्यत्र यह मौलिक विधान का अंग बन गई है।
Suggested : (initial capital letter) a group of sovereign states and their dependencies associated by their own choice and linked with common objectives and interests
Word of the day
Usage of कामनवेल्थ:
1. काशी में मोदी: पारम्परिक गंगा आरती के साथ कामनवेल्थ का फ्यूजन भी LiveHindustan
(कामनवेल्थ) kamanaveltha
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender .
Transliteration :