Meaning of (कायर) kayar in english

As noun : coward Ex:  Who is coward उ:   कायर ! अवश्य कर याद पार्थ की, तू मन ही मन डरता है।
chickenhearted उ:   यह कायर और मक्कार, किंतु चालाक जानवर है। quitter उ:   मजे की बात यह है कि कायर तक आल्हा सुनकर जोश से भर जाते हैं। wimpy lily livered base Ex:  From his power base in central Bhutan cowardly Ex:  Who misses courage, which is cowardly, pusillanimous, It is the man of the most cowardly world yellow Ex:  The trefoil then came to represent "a black ship against a yellow sky". crybaby chicken Ex:  I'll have the roast chicken . gutless yellow bellied
As adjective : wimpish उ:   अहिंसा कायर पुरुष से दूर-दूर भागती है। dastard white livered spineless poltroon
Other : timid Ex:  He advanced a timid yellow-bellied wimp
Suggested : a color like that of egg yolk, ripe lemons, etc the primary color between green and orange in the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 570 and 590 nm lacking courage contemptibly timid a mean , sneaking coward the bottom support of anything that on which a thing stands or rests a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc a timid or easily intimidated person
Exampleकायर का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of कायर:
1. आत्‍महत्‍या करने वाले किसान कायर और अपराधी: धनखड़ LiveHindustan2. आईएस की नजर में भारतीय कायर LiveHindustan3. ISIS की नजर में कायर हैं भारतीय, जानिए क्या है इसकी असल वजह LiveHindustan
(कायर) kayar can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : kaayara

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