Meaning of (काश्तकारी) kashtakaree,kashtakari in english
As noun : tenure Ex:  His tenure was marked by the Thirty Years' War that engulfed Europe.
Other :
farming Ex:  The reasons to do so include more intensive farming tenancy Ex:  tenancy Fashion done with a sharecropper rented farm land lease of farm land cultivation/farming
Suggested : a holding, as of lands, by any kind of title occupancy of land, a house, or the like, under a lease or on payment of rent tenure the business of operating a farm the holding or possessing of anything
Exampleकाश्तकारी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
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Usage of काश्तकारी:
1. छोटानागपुर-संताल परगना काश्तकारी अधिनियम (सीएनटी-एसपीटी एक्ट) में संशोधन के खिलाफ शुक्रवार को बुलाए गए बंद में जम कर हिंसा हुईlivehindustan.com2. काश्तकारी कानून में संशोधन करेगा पंजाब LiveHindustan
(काश्तकारी) kashtakaree,kashtakari
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender .
Transliteration :