Meaning of (कास्केट) kasketa in english
As noun : trunk Ex:  Keep your side of the trunk up . उ: मध्य पूर्व की चार कहानियां थी, जो कि संभवतः कास्केट का हिस्सा थे।
box Ex:  money is kept in the small box उ: स्तूप से तीन अवशेष कास्केट को पुनः प्राप्त किया गया। chest Ex:  I am on an antibiotic for my chest cold . lifebelt case Ex:  This case is not maintainable in this court. small box Ex:  In terms of theater, the Guignol is a small box placed on the slide or and the scene where the director and actors can hold bank Ex:  I will pay the bill through my bank in New York . bin Ex:  Osama bin Laden is said to be a Wahhabi Muslim can Ex:  You can see whelk on the shore. hamper Ex:  This may hamper the service, can affect the regularity, good order of the service tin Ex:  Meanwhile, the contribution by tin has declined. tin can drum Ex:  With the beating of the drum come neurophysiological effects. compartment Ex:  Under the first compartment is a second trapdoor and a second compartment.
Suggested : a long pile or heap mass an instance of the occurrence, existence, etc, of something Anatomy the trunk of the body from the neck to the abdomen thorax a container, case, or receptacle, usually rectangular, of wood, metal, cardboard, etc, and often with a lid or removable cover the main stem of a tree, as distinct from the branches and roots
Exampleकास्केट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(कास्केट) kasketa
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from English language .
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