Meaning of (काहिल) kahil in english

As verb : slow Ex:  His English was slow and heavily accented.
Other :
indolent Ex:  student, worker indolent lazy Ex:  It is lazy to write languid Ex:  It says figuratively and familiarly, speaking of works of spirit of a long and boring piece, an ordinary development and languid slack negligent slothful inert Ex:  An inert mass supine snail Ex:  SpongeBob's house-pet is a snail named Gary, whose "meow" is similar to a cat.
Suggested : not tight, taut, firm, or tense loose lacking in vigor or vitality slack or slow averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion indolent having or showing a disposition to avoid exertion slothful moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed or velocity
Exampleकाहिल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(काहिल) kahil can be used as verb. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : kaahila

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