Meaning of (कुबड़ा) kubada in english
As noun : hunchback Ex:  It's full of malice hunchback
hump Ex:  Rolling his hump is said of people who led a risky existence, which have gone through all sorts of countries and makes all kind of trades
Other : hunch-backed crooked hunchbacked deformed Ex:  Delirque's method, however, deformed the bullet and was inaccurate. bent Ex:  The snow-laden bushes bent down .
Suggested : a rounded protuberance, especially a fleshy protuberance on the back, as that due to abnormal curvature of the spine in humans, or that normally present in certain animals, as the camel or bison curved crooked having the form changed, especially with loss of beauty misshapen disfigured not straight bending curved a person whose back is humped in a convex position because of abnormal spinal curvature Compare kyphosis , kyphoscoliosis
Word of the day
(कुबड़ा) kubada
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :