Meaning of (कोरा) kora in english

As noun : clean Ex:  Communism tried to wipe clean every nation उ:   इसमें कवित्व नहीं, कोरा साहित्य नहीं, एक अचल ऐतिहासिक सत्य है।
blank Ex:  Each square is either blank or has a 1 written on it.
As adjective : maiden
Other : unused unbleached plain Ex:  The former is usually eaten plain in Chinese cuisine with garlic soy sauce (silk unoiled (hair unversed ?? stupid Ex:  A stupid answer untouched simple Ex:  Multi-Use Radio Service and others exist in North America to provide simple flat (refusal disappointed (in a hope neglected Ex:  Neo's neglected physical body is restored, and Morpheus explains the situation. unskilled (in ignorant Ex:  and joke, be sentenced to beasts, to be delivered to the beasts, to be delivered to the criticism of ignorant or malicious people mere Ex:  Otherwise religion clearly amounts to mere formalism blunt Ex:  blunt the point of a sword unsuccesful unsatisfied (in a request new Ex:  These new shoes squeak. blank (paper undyed unwashed brand new Ex:  A brand new cast fresh Ex:  There are no natural fresh water resources. unlettered newness Ex:  There is a stew in the newness virginity Ex:  Losing his virginity recent Ex:  However in recent times
Suggested : clear or distinct to the eye or ear to make whiter or lighter in color, as by exposure to sunlight or a chemical agent remove the color from not used not put to use (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks not written or printed on free from dirt unsoiled unstained
Exampleकोरा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(कोरा) kora can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : koraa
Md Alishan 21 December, 2024 Hello sir how are you sir ji
Md Alishan 21 December, 2024 Hello sir how are you sir ji

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