Meaning of (कोश) kosh in english
As noun : theca उ: कोश में शब्दों को इकट्ठा किया जाता है।
sac Ex:  They start with low grunts, which increase in volume as the sac inflates. उ: कोश को सफल होना ही था, हुआ। finance Ex:  Its leading economic sectors include finance उ: और उनकी कृतियाँ कविता कोश में।
Other : dictionary Ex:  hinkhoj dictionary have many words. उ: कोश की एक दूसरी विधा ज्ञानकोश भी विकसित हुई है। lexicon Ex:  Similar acronyms were quickly added to the lexicon उ: ये कोश मुख्यतः हिंदी के ही थे। sheath Ex:  He also said a long narrow sheath Species, made of fabric and filled with stuffing or of horsehair, which adapts to the edges of doors and windows that join bad for prevent cold and humid air into the apartments उ: पिंगलम् नाम का कोश भी इसी काल की कृति है। covering Ex:  The Vindhya range runs across most of central India, covering a distance of . उ: उनके व्याकरण तथा कोश बनाए जाते हैं। shell Ex:  Each shell is divided into different subshells उ: इस प्रक्रिया को कोश की भूमिका में समझाया। ball Ex:  Cricket ball is a sphere. उ: यह कोश छः काण्डों में बद्ध है। testicles Ex:  Anatomy skin envelope of both testicles उ: कन्नौजी कोश के निर्माण का कार्य चल रहा है। vesicle Ex:  Htt is involved in vesicle trafficking as it interacts with HIT1 उ: हिंदी वैज्ञानिक कोश के निर्माण में भी योग दिया।
Suggested : a hard outer covering of an animal, as the hard case of a mollusk, or either half of the case of a bivalve mollusk a case or covering for the blade of a sword, dagger, or the like a wordbook or dictionary, especially of Greek, Latin, or hebrew a book, optical disc, mobile device, or online lexical resource (such as Dictionarycom ) containing a selection of the words of a language , giving information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, derived forms, etc, expressed in either the same or another language lexicon glossary Print dictionaries of various sizes, ranging from small pocket dictionaries to multivolume books, usually sort entries alphabetically, as do typical CD or DVD dictionary applications, allowing one to browse through the terms in sequence All electronic dictionaries, whether online or installed on a device, can provide immediate, direct access to a search term, its meanings, and ancillary information a case or receptacle
Exampleकोश का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of कोश:
1. राग जोग कोश में उनकी इस प्रस्तुति हर श्रोता को मंत्रमुग्ध कर गई bhaskar.com2. पहला प्रशासनिक अंग्रेजी-संस्कृत शब्द कोश तैयार LiveHindustan
(कोश) kosh
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :