Meaning of (क्रुरता) krurata in english
As noun : callousness
cruelty Ex:  A refinement of cruelty unfeelingness callosity ruthlessness heartlessness harshness pitilessness inhumanity Ex:  act of inhumanity towards the vanquished austerity Ex:  The austerity of Cato severity Ex:  A punishment of extreme severity stiffness Ex:  It said, in terms of Fine Art, which is marked too strongly, or which has a high stiffness rigor Ex:  It looks more likely to clemency than to the rigor rigidness asperity grimness rigidity Ex:  The rigidity of an iron bar rigour inflexibility sternness iron Ex:  It has a large iron core toughness unkindness acerbity evil Ex:  Child evil be heinousness perversity vileness iniquity immorality Ex:  The immorality of a book wickedness infamy Ex:  This brings infamy
As adverb : murderously
Suggested : of the nature of or involving murder a callous condition not feeling devoid of feeling insensible or insensate the state or quality of being cruel made hard hardened
Exampleक्रुरता का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
Usage of क्रुरता:
1. कुत्तों की लाशें और खाली कारतूस बरामद... पशु क्रुरता अधिनियम के तहत मामला दर्ज - शुक्रवार 1 अप्रैल की रात साढ़े 11 बजे मारूति वेन में सवार तीन लोगों में से एक ने ग्राम मेघापारा में एक लावारिस कुत्ते को भौंकने पर कुत्ते को गोली मार दी
(क्रुरता) krurata
can be used as noun, verb or adverb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :