Meaning of khada karna in english

Interpreting khada karna - खड़ा करना
As verb : cock Ex:  A cock well ergoté
raise Ex:  [Now] breeders find it difficult to raise large herds .
Other : to set up Ex:  The Parliament has the power to set up a Committee of Inquiry to lift up to institute Ex:  This article was later used by Adolf Hitler to institute rule by decree to instigate to bring to a stop ( as a vehicle to station to erect Ex:  It was decided to erect a statue to General to raise ( a question to initiate Ex:  Although the Constitution gave the House the power to initiate revenue bills to obtain (as money for a purpose Ex:  philosophical principle according to which everything was created for a purpose to fix Ex:  Birch-tar and raw-hide lashings were used to fix the blade. to prepare Ex:  Silicon is widely used to prepare glass. uprear setup Ex:  With the plan to setup three more IITs in Rajasthan
Suggested : to move to a higher position lift up elevate a male chicken rooster
Exampleखड़ा करना का हिन्दी मे अर्थAntonyms of khada karna

Word of the day
Usage of खड़ा करना:
1. युवराज को कठघरे में खड़ा करना ठीक नहीं LiveHindustan
khada karna can be used as verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. Transliteration : kha.Daa karanaa

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