Meaning of khalee jagah,khali jagah in english
Interpreting khalee jagah,khali jagah - खाली जगह
As noun : vacancy Ex:  During the vacancy of the Holy See
recess Ex:  In terms of Botany, medullary channel, the recess which is at the center of the rod of some woody plants and which contains the marrow vacuum Ex:  Electrons tunnel through the vacuum between two planar metal electrodes room Ex:  We painted our room in oils and acrylics.
Other : void Ex:  HOLE says figuratively a Gap, a lack, a void
Suggested : Law having no legal force or effect not legally binding or enforceable a portion of space within a building or other structure, separated by walls or partitions from other parts a space entirely devoid of matter temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or activity the state of being vacant emptiness
Exampleखाली जगह का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of khalee jagah,khali jagah
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Usage of खाली जगह:
1. एटीसी से संपर्क कटते ही पायलट ने खाली जगह तरफ प्लेन मोड़ा और सीट इजेक्ट कर निकल गया bhaskar.com2. - एटीसी से संपर्क कटते ही पायलट ने खाली जगह तरफ प्लेन मोड़ा और सीट इजेक्ट कर निकल गया bhaskar.com3. पहला सिटिंग और स्टेज के बीच खाली जगह और बार निकलने के लिए साइड दरवाजा
khalee jagah,khali jagah
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :
khaalii jagaha