Meaning of khandar in english
Interpreting khandar - खंडर
As noun : ruins Ex:  The entire city lay in ruins . उ: यह मूल्यों के खंडर ही कहानी है।
Other :
ruin Ex:  Though the city of Pasargad is a ruin उ: लेकिन अब यहाँ उसके खंडर ही नज़र आते हैं। dilapidated building उ: * खंडर यानी जब मानव निर्मित प्रकृति का हिस्सा बन जाता है। ruined Ex:  Hồ is considered a murderer and traitor who ruined Vietnam by starting a war. ruined building Ex:  Threatening said of a ruined building that is close to falling mass of ruins ( as of a village or town dilapidated Ex:  Bath's abbey church was badly dilapidated and in need of repairs.
Suggested : to cause or allow (a building, automobile, etc) to fall into a state of disrepair, as by misuse or neglect (often used passively) ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc, that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc, that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay ruins, the remains of a building, city, etc, that has been destroyed or that is in disrepair or a state of decay
Exampleखंडर का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of khandar
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Related words :
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can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals .
Transliteration :