Meaning of (खंभा) khanbha in english
As noun : post Ex: He has applied for the post of lecturership. उ: अतः पुल के नीचे कोई खंभा न हो।
stanchion उ: सबसे प्रसिद्ध कछारी खंडहर के बीच केवल पत्थर का खंभा खड़ा है।
Other : column Ex: The second Russian column approached the Arsenal through the Krasiński Gardens उ: चौथा खंभा पत्रकारिता, प्रेस और समाचार को कहा जाता है। pillar Ex: The protagonist is a doctor, a pillar of the community. stake Ex: There was a lot at stake pole Ex: In the assembly pole of 2007
Suggested : a stick or post pointed at one end for driving into the ground as a boundary mark, part of a fence, support for a plant, etc an upright shaft or structure, of stone, brick, or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height, and of any shape in section, used as a building support, or standing alone, as for a monument Architecture
a rigid , relatively slender, upright support, composed of relatively few pieces an upright bar, beam, post, or support, as in a window, stall, ship, etc a strong piece of timber, metal, or the like, set upright as a support, a point of attachment, a place for displaying notices, etc
Exampleखंभा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
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Usage of खंभा:
1. सिटीजन जर्नलिस्ट रेखा जैन के पति के ऊपर एक खंभा गिरा जिससे वो घायल हो गए लेकिन मुआवजा तो दूर प्रशासन में कोई इसकी जिम्मेदारी लेने तक को तैयार नहींibnlive.com2. डिब्बों ने ओएचइ वायर का खंभा भी तोड़ दिया bhaskar.com3. खमतराई में पुराने ओवरब्रिज के पास एक खंभा सड़क के बीचोंबीच गिर गया
(खंभा) khanbha
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :
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