Meaning of (खड़ना) khadna in english
As noun : fuck off
operate Ex:  Eleven universities primarily operate in New South Wales. utter kick Ex:  Pelé then scored his final goal on a direct free kick go Ex:  We took a taxi to go to the station. speed Ex:  As the speed of sound in air at 68 °F is approximately 1126 ft/s row Ex:  The growth rate in 2006 was 2.5%, the third year in a row it has been above 2%. eke Ex:  He managed to eke out a living . coast Ex:  The Australian coast is visited by six species of sea turtle: the Flatback conduct Ex:  Plants require carbon dioxide to conduct photosynthesis ride Ex:  He wants to ride side-saddle. push Ex:  "Why do you push us around? pole Ex:  When the northern pole is tilted away from the Sun pass Ex:  Just outside the entrance to the pass at Myriokephalon sink into chair Ex:  He sat in his chair at the table, out cold . throw Ex:  One point is awarded for making a free throw move Ex:  When free electrons move put in motion Ex:  Apparatus for locomotion whose wheels are put in motion with the feet run Ex:  Please don't run away from me . keep Ex:  Those girls keep chattering whole day. fly Ex:  The Saturn I was in development but would not fly for six months. do Ex:  Why do you behave moronically? work Ex:  he did his work pensively. set in motion Ex:  club-shaped hammerhead species that strike side to side in the interior of a bell when it is set in motion carry Ex:  Buses carry up to 3 million passengers daily steer Ex:  You had better steer away from Jeff . stir Ex:  In terms of fortification, stir the earth, digging and earth to wear make entrenchments fire Ex:  However fire has destroyed several old buildings feed Ex:  They feed by "skimming" along with their mouth open. float Ex:  By affixing a master float sail Ex:  Sailor directs the ship to sail on the sea. push off pedal Ex:  Most pianos with three pedals add the sostenuto pedal to that basic pair. handling Ex:  the handling of prisoners tool Ex:  A tool similar to a router step Ex:  Later step switches were arranged in banks proceed Ex:  For those who proceed to secondary level progress Ex:  Some of this progress was ancient but most occurred after 1900. In 1900 go over Ex:  I had to go over Fran to get it done . last Ex:  i had a flightmare last night. crack Ex:  This noise, this noise break my head; it is a noise to crack the head-to-head split move about Ex:  At 1713°C, most of the molecules can move about freely. keep to Ex:  Ann tends to keep to herself . hold firm to leg Ex:  her leg twitched convulsively track Ex:  I know I can keep on track . make tracks for press ahead flow Ex:  Traffic islands help in regularising flow of trafic. catch Ex:  Much of the catch from these boats never leaves Gyeongju travel Ex:  He planned to travel by a Microlight. move along Ex:  The stars move along random orbits with no preferred direction. play Ex:  Word play is an interesting game. blow Ex:  There were even efforts to just blow it up. make tracks course Ex:  Of course you must be on time . walking Ex:  I spied on the old man walking down the street. march Ex:  "America will march along that skyline". trot Ex:  Go to a shortened trot sell Ex:  He wanted and had to sell his paintings to make a living cruise Ex:  Following a cruise south to Guantánamo Bay
As verb : manipulate Ex:  HANDLING also means the school year where students manipulate drive Ex:  You drive us there and I'll drive back . deal Ex:  I'll deal out some more proposals . put on Ex:  Please put on this one and see if it fits . defend Ex:  Galileo went to Rome to defend himself against these accusations but start up Ex:  Softpedia notes that Firefox takes longer to start up than other browsers pilot Ex:  The pilot taxied the plane. shoot Ex:  It used to shoot turn on Ex:  It says Anatomy of Muscles that turn on their axis to which the parties they are attached to churn [stir] wield Ex:  It handles well, he knows wield the chisel, chisel, tip, pen, pencil, brush, sword, saber, weapons breathe Ex:  When surfacing to breathe walk Ex:  he cleaned his shoes compulsively after every walk go on Ex:  Party will go on provided the rain keeps off. press on Ex:  It also tells of the Party of the press on which is placed as come over Ex:  Prince of Wales, who had come over from Jersey around July. pull away behave Ex:  Dont behave like a nincompoop. run Ex:  Please don't run away from me . break Ex:  He went at the door and tried to break it down . operate Ex:  Eleven universities primarily operate in New South Wales. come up to go Ex:  We took a taxi to go to the station.
As adjective : in motion Ex:  Empedocles maintained that light was something in motion
Suggested : to strike with the foot or feet to give audible expression to speak or pronounce to work, perform, or function, as a machine does to send, expel, or otherwise cause to move by force or compulsion to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner
Exampleखड़ना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(खड़ना) khadna
can be used as noun, verb, adjective, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :