Meaning of (खमवा) khamava in english
As noun : bear Ex:  Korean people identifies bear as their ancestor and symbolic animal.
suffer Ex:  Although the city does not suffer from cyclones or significant earthquakes hack digest Ex:  Several common classes of enzymes digest these polymers. stomach Ex:  Do not think only of his stomach stand up to Ex:  While they could not stand up to France on land toleration Ex:  The tolerance degenerates into toleration stand Ex:  In some species, females have evolved thicker skin to withstand these bites.
As verb : abide Ex:  "You know, I cannot abide Shakespeare but your plays are even worse". tolerate Ex:  Sensitiveness can not tolerate the pulls. endure Ex:  One must not endure atrocities. withstand Ex:  In some species, females have evolved thicker skin to withstand these bites. put up Ex:  He's telling you to put up your dukes . resist Ex:  Early supporters of Esperanto tended to resist reforms stick out
As adjective : thole
Suggested : to hold out against sustain without impairment or yielding undergo to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance permit to undergo or feel pain or distress to remain continue stay to hold up support
Word of the day
(खमवा) khamava
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :