Meaning of (खल) khal in english

As adjective : wicked Ex:  The wicked are willing to slander the righteous
Other :
base Ex:  Under the updraft is a rain-free base mortar Ex:  In 1914, the British fired a total of 545 mortar shells vile Ex:  A vile seducer deceitful Ex:  It is a deceitful ; he conceal beautiful, it is seen through mischievous Ex:  It also said figuratively and familiarly with a lively woman, turbulent, cantankerous, or a mischievous child and determined cruel Ex:  He received a cruel insult, a grave insult base person villain Ex:  Williams includes Alexander Hamilton as the villain of the piece. rogue Ex:  an amiable rogue rascal Ex:  This is a tour rascal
Suggested : given to deceiving wretchedly bad a receptacle of hard material, having a bowl-shaped cavity in which substances are reduced to powder with a pestle the bottom support of anything that on which a thing stands or rests evil or morally bad in principle or practice sinful iniquitous
Exampleखल का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of खल:
1. अगर आपकी कुड़ली में शनि अशुभ खल दे रहा है तो हर शनिवार को शनि मंदिर में तेल का दीपक जलाना शुभ माना जाता हैlivehindustan.com2. धतूरा 4600, डोलमा 2271, कणजी 2415, रतनजोत 1750 , पुवाड 3000, खल सरसों 2250, खल डोलमा 1000 रुपए दाल:अरहर 14500 से 15000, मूंग मोगर 9000 से 9700, मूंग छिलका 8000 से 8500, उड़द मोगर 16500 से 17500, उड़द दाल 15000 से 15500, मसूर 6900-7200, मलका मसूर 7100-7600, चना... bhaskar.com3. सुशांत का इस तरह से अंकिता से दूरी इंदौरी फैंस को भी खल रही है
(खल) khal can be used as adjective. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 2 including consonants. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : khala

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