Meaning of (खानानशी) khananashee in english

As noun : disenchanted Ex:  A deeper understanding of this environment was completely disenchanted
idle Ex:  The one, one that idle stupid Ex:  A stupid reasoning hogwash nonsense Ex:  It is a great debtor news, nonsense, nonsense of reject Ex:  The mind has the ability to approve or reject an impression rubbishy floccinaucinihilipilification dead Ex:  Relief agencies report that one-third of the dead appear to be children. limb Ex:  The limb of an instrument of Math beastly base Ex:  Work on the military base commenced in 1971 worthless Ex:  This old man lost weight every day, it is worthless to age damnable Ex:  In a way damnable stinky dire unprofitable out of action of no account dead loss for the birds trashy unholy wasted unemployed Ex:  Violent gangs of the urban unemployed dreadful stinking out of practice naff pointless useless Ex:  Let someone useless Do not use their talents, services terrible Ex:  I'm terrible at names . up the spout dry Ex:  The eastern coastal belt is warm and comparatively dry bum unserviceable ghastly moldy confounded
As verb : estranged Ex:  Meryl Streep played her estranged sister. perishing
As adjective : world weary inactive Ex:  it's the man of the world as inactive unhelpful mouldy ropy crummy fiddly
As adverb : unnecessarily Ex:  Many died unnecessarily as a consequence of this long delay.
Suggested : to refuse to have, take, recognize, etc words or language having little or no sense or meaning refuse given to hogs swill lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind dull not working or active unemployed doing nothing
Exampleखानानशी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खानानशी) khananashee can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : khaanaanashii

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