Meaning of (खीपट) kheepata in english

As noun : psycho
crazy Ex:  He's crazy about her, too . nut Ex:  The nut of this mill is worn mental Ex:  He is going through lot of mental anguish.
He has a mental problem.
nuts Ex:  For dinner we had everything from soup to nuts . potty crackers neurotic Ex:  After experimenting with hypnosis on his neurotic patients maniac flake Ex:  flake oysters loony nutter unhinged round the twist up the wall Ex:  He's really up the wall about Mary's illness . off nut nincompoop up the pole cuckoo nutty as a fruit cake loon as nutty as a fruit cake off rocker round the bend off head brainsick off your trolley berserk
As verb : cracked Ex:  The pilot cracked up the plane . unbalanced Ex:  May this idea be not a dream! This system is the dream of an unbalanced mind
As adjective : insane Ex:  It is insane mad Ex:  Don't let them get you mad . paranoid lunatic Ex:  subrogate goods instead buildings and places lunatic wacky demented moonstruck loco daft rabid Ex:  It is a litigant rabid loopy whacky barmy balmy nutty deranged
Suggested : of, like, or suffering from paranoia mentally deranged demented insane mentally disturbed deranged insane demented a psychopathic or psychotic person not sane not of sound mind mentally deranged
Exampleखीपट का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(खीपट) kheepata can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : khiipaTa

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