Meaning of (खोटा) khota in english

As noun : base Ex:  Saint Kitts became the premier base for British and French expansion
bad Ex:  I'm sorry to bring you the bad news . gross Ex:  The gross domestic product of Oslo totalled NOK268.047 billion in 2003
Other : adulterated Ex:  Food can also be adulterated by a very wide range of articles during farming false Ex:  The number of false codes submitted to IGN dropped dramatically defective Ex:  Irregularities conformation in a person, in an animal, That which is defective in the arrangement of parts of his body, in his treacherous wicked Ex:  The wicked sense depends on whether it precedes or follows the noun false person malicious Ex:  About malicious counterfeit Ex:  In terms of hunting, it means a small instrument used to counterfeit the cry of different birds, to name them and to take the faulty Ex:  In addition to the faulty storm drains fraudulent Ex:  In 1978, in a fraudulent election, General Romeo Lucas García assumed power. insincere vicious Ex:  Habit vicious contract that horses and cattle defective: adulterated spurious inferior and superior genuine and spurious pseudo
Suggested : having a defect or flaw faulty imperfect not true or correct erroneous to debase or make impure by adding inferior materials or elements use cheaper, inferior, or less desirable goods in the production of (any professedly genuine article) not good in any manner or degree the bottom support of anything that on which a thing stands or rests
Exampleखोटा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of खोटा:
1. काम न आये तारे, चल निकला खोटा सिक्का LiveHindustan
(खोटा) khota can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : khoTaa

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