Meaning of laghukrrit,laghookrit in english
Interpreting laghukrrit,laghookrit - लघूकृत
Other :
reduced Ex:  In 1860 the caliber was reduced again
Suggested : that is or has been reduced
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Related words :
Other : लघूकृत उपांतिम अवशेष - reduced penultimate remainder लघूकृत घात - reduced degree लघूकृत निरीक्षण - reduced inspection लघूकृत प्रत्यास्थता गुणांक - reduced modules of elasticity लघूकृत प्राथमिक निरूपण - reduced primary representation लघूकृत प्रिंट - reduced print लघूकृत मापांक सिद्धां त - reduced modulus theory लघूकृत मापांक सिद्धांत - reduced modulus theory लघूकृत वास्तविक प्रतिबिंब - reduced real image लघूकृत शाखन सूचकांक - reduced ramification index लघूकृत सहखण्ड - reduced cofactor लघूकृत सापेक्ष मात्रा - reduced relative degree
. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras.
Transliteration :