Meaning of (लज्जित) lajjit in english

As noun : ablush
mean Ex:  The mean maximum temperature for this period is . उ:   लज्जित होकर दिति ने इस कर्म का परिमार्जन करने की प्रार्थना की। hangdog
As verb : embarrassed Ex:  A speech embarrassed उ:   अन्त में लज्जित होकर उस चुपचाप बैठ जाना पड़ा। abashed उ:   उसका रूप देखकर अप्सराएँ भी लज्जित हो जातीं।
As adjective : ashamed Ex:  Do not be ashamed to do well उ:   उन्हें लगा की पंडितजी उन्हें लज्जित करने आए हैं। shamefaced उ:   उनके रूप आदि की महिमा कहने में भी लज्जित हो रहा हूं।
Other : blushed Ex:  He blushed to have such a son shameful Ex:  A shameful process discountenanced
Suggested : browbeaten defeated intimidated abject to have in mind as one's purpose or intention intend modest or bashful feeling shame distressed or embarrassed by feelings of guilt, foolishness, or disgrace to cause confusion and shame to make uncomfortably self-conscious disconcert abash
Exampleलज्जित का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(लज्जित) lajjit can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi originated from Sanskrit language . Transliteration : lajjita

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