Meaning of (लाधनापु) ladhanapu in english
As noun : collect Ex: In terms of Printing, Layout, Action to collect the composition of packages to make pages
score Ex: For this revival, Tchaikovsky's score was revised by Riccardo Drigo. bowl insure contract Ex: Sorkin worked under contract for some years at Castle Rock Entertainment, Inc. gather Ex: , is Green Carpet said Table around which the players gather work Ex: Much of this work is summed up in the Athanasian Creed. reach Ex: Since in Theravada Buddhism only monks can reach Nirvana chalk up command Ex: Kirk was given command of the USS ''Enterprise''-A gain Ex: It also said familiarly What gives advantage profit, gain take Ex: If we take Liège as the centre draw Ex: Put a book in press, thought the Printer which shall draw win Ex: The improving Australians broke through to win the final Test. buy Ex: Maybe, if I like it, I'll buy one of my own". carry Ex: It said, in poetry, in all own land to carry grain, whether seeded or that they are not the get Ex: �Oh, I hope so, the minute we get in,� said Maddie . seek out attain receipt Ex: The members of this company shall rank in the order of their receipt have back spanner inherit Ex: Parent to the degree inherit net Ex: Kind Fishing net that is dragged on strikes worm into come in for chase spot Ex: traffic tickets on the spot hit Ex: "Creep" was a worldwide hit when reissued a year later. wrest from light upon worm way into light on Ex: He said sometimes the same effects of light on the body it hits run down scoop catch
As verb : receive Ex: However, the EU's small farmers only receive 8% of CAP's available subsidies. derive Ex: These all derive from the writings found the New Testament. obtain Ex: Islanders may now obtain a six-month license to purchase alcohol achieve Ex: To achieve the latter attain reap elicit procure enable Ex: This requires permission, This is something that can not enable accomplish Ex: Time it takes for the earth accomplish its revolution around the sun conciliate secure Ex: He may have needed to visit the city to secure materials in any case. acquire Ex: Now they could acquire land by purchase, thus becoming land-owners. realize Ex: This stuff is hard to cut, she resists the chisel, and, by cutting it, you realize it is hard find Ex: In the second half of the decade McCartney would find new collaborators. earn Ex: Juniors may earn income from tennis by participating in the Future seize Ex: We must seize this man, it is a Thief find out obtain Ex: Islanders may now obtain a six-month license to purchase alcohol pick up find Ex: In the second half of the decade McCartney would find new collaborators.
Suggested : to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means to cut (wheat, rye, etc) with a sickle or other implement or a machine, as in harvest to bring to a successful end carry through accomplish to come into possession of get, acquire, or procure, as through an effort or by a request to receive or obtain from a source or origin (usually followed by from )
Exampleलाधनापु का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(लाधनापु) ladhanapu
can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi composed of suffix at the end of the word originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :