Meaning of (मनवाना) manavana in english

As noun : bend
carry Ex:  It Horticulture says Various species of plants, especially honeysuckle, which carry leaves all year
As verb : reconcile Ex:  He interceded to reconcile convince Ex:  But when his arguments couldn't convince Wilhelm
Suggested : to move by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action to take or support from one place to another convey transport to force (an object , especially a long or thin one) from a straight form into a curved or angular one, or from a curved or angular form into some different form to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired
Exampleमनवाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of मनवाना:
1. हमारा पड़ोसी देश पकिस्तान आतंकवाद के पीछे छिपकर अपनी बात मनवाना चाहता है, यह कभी सम्भव नहीं होगा
(मनवाना) manavana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi originated from Hindi language . Transliteration : manavaanaa

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