Meaning of (महत) mahata in english

As noun : utmost
more Ex:  Court won more than half of the Grand Slam events held in 1963 keen staggeringly a whole lot of searingly a great deal of uttermost tremendously ever so more and more Ex:  She got more and more hysterical,� said her mother Penny . to a fault ever such a immoderate tall crying Ex:  You have beautiful crying and lamenting to the full shatteringly cordial super abundant beyond measure fantastic infernally white hot ever such emphasis Ex:  Brezhnev followed Stalin's emphasis on heavy industry significance Ex:  But what is the significance of these details? matter Ex:  RCA's attorneys were soon looking into the matter to see if they agreed. worth Ex:  Also worth mentioning is the development interest Ex:  Charlemagne took a serious interest in scholarship moment Ex:  That moment was immortalised by Sir John Betjeman's poem. importance Ex:  State of origin games declined in importance weight Ex:  A weight which counterbalances another urgency loftiness weightiness import Ex:  However, an import tax of between 5% and 20% is levied on most imported goods.
As verb : overwhelming Ex:  An overwhelming weight उ:   महत से पृथ्वी तक सारे तत्वों का अण्ड बना जो दस गुने जल से घिरा है।
As adjective : steep Ex:  Reaching or extend forcefully, making steep extravagant Ex:  Thoughts, extravagant words acute Ex:  Medical He expressed deep bone pain, acute all fired strong Ex:  By 1902 a 5 team league emerged still with a strong English influence . over much inordinate intense Ex:  He also spent several days in intense discussion with Spinoza most Ex:  Canada's largest and most diversified
As adverb : extremely Ex:  Also extremely popular are combinations deadly so Ex:  And so that's what I'm going to do". piercingly pretty Ex:  , Make pretty heart, Make the pleasant sublimely atrociously cordially highly Ex:  Albatrosses are highly philopatric
Other : great Ex:  These operations resulted in great successes big Ex:  Two of the big four banks, NAB and ANZ, are headquartered in Melbourne. excellent Ex:  Dear excellent palatial
Suggested : having an almost vertical slope or pitch, or a relatively high gradient, as a hill, an ascent, stairs, etc in greater quantity, amount, measure, degree, or number causing or tending to cause death fatal lethal of the greatest or highest degree, quantity, or the like greatest that overwhelms overpowering
Exampleमहत का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of महत:
1. जैन किशोर चंद पारख ने बताया कि शहर के बख्तसागर स्कूल के पास से महत महाराज अखाड़ा दरावाड़ी रूडिप द्वारा डाली गई सीवरेज लाइन के चार माह बाद भी सड़कों का मरम्मत कार्य नहीं हुआ है
(महत) mahata can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 3 including consonants. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of Sanskrit language by locals . Transliteration : mahata

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