Meaning of (मारना) marana in english

As noun : putting Ex:  "hank you for putting up with me for all those years". उ:   वो उन्हें मारना चाहता है।
hit Ex:  In his last ten seasons, from 1957 to 1966, batters hit . उ:   यहां पक्षियों को मारना प्रतिबंधित है। put Ex:  Various illnesses have been put forward. उ:   किसी को थप्पड़ मारना या धक्का देना या मारपीट करना। toe उ:   पीतसागरीय तटों पर मछली मारना एक महत्वपूर्ण उद्योग है। shoot उ:   आखिर में हिरण्‍यकशिपु ने प्रह्लाद को खंभे में बांधकर मारना चाहा। shot Ex:  Some notable cliffhangers included the landmark "who shot J R? उ:   उन्हें मारना न तो सम्भव ही है और न हमारे जीवन के लिए अभीष्ट ही। putt उ:   अन्य लोगों का तर्क है कि मारना जरुरी है अगर जैव विविधता को ख़तरा हो। kick उ:   इसे अकेला रहना और पीछा करके अपना शिकार मारना पसंद है। slaughter Ex:  MOUTON says Aries is specially fattened castrated it for slaughter उ:   जिव पैदा होकर जेल में लोगो को मारना शुरू कर देता है। give Ex:  In an attempt to give the event more structure beat Ex:  It is finally used to describe the game where children beat each other's hands rhythmically उ:   बाला को पता चलता है की उसके पिता ही उसे मारना चाहते हैं। hack उ:   चिट्टी हमला नहीं कर पाता, क्योंकि वो वसीगरन को नहीं मारना चाहता है। ice Ex:  Some 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice उ:   आज भी इस समुदाय का पेशा मछली मारना मजदूरी करना है। cut Ex:  cut hay, employed to some constructions bag Ex:  It is said in the same direction: Show the bottom of the bag clock Ex:  CPU clock rates in the tens of megahertz were obtained during this period. belt Ex:  Like the asteroid belt nail Ex:  The iron horse that hangs by a nail smash line Ex:  One's own pieces cannot be passed if they are in the line of movement crash crack top Ex:  The Saints had a top 40 hit with "This Perfect Day". lay Ex:  Birds lay eggs, eggs convent get Ex:  In Britain, it is possible to get Channel Island milk, which is 5.5% fat. deal Ex:  His most recurring themes deal with questions of death strike Ex:  Workers who strike mortar, plaster drive Ex:  BROWSER also said a Marine , a man who is able to drive a spaceship
As verb : put down उ:   मछली मारना पुरुष तथा स्त्री दोनों का धंधा है। swat उ:   वो कहता है कि उस आत्मा का अगला कदम आदित्य को मारना है। plug Ex:  Action Agriculture to plug उ:   भगवान यज्ञ की रक्षा करने के लिए ताड़का को मारना भी उचित समझते हैं। bounce bang pound kill Ex:  His debaucheries kill the deliver Ex:  SUBMIT still means, figuratively, Deliver, deliver to the review, the decision of someone send Ex:  France itself would send troops to aid Mobutu . stroke Ex:  Divert the body so slightly to avoid some stroke
Other : to strike Ex:  The hour was about to strike his ruin to kill Ex:  It is said of a instance that comes to kill because they have continued for some time to belabour not to repay (as ????- to beat Ex:  Place we are united and prepared to beat the grain to misappropriate to hit Ex:  He was only the eighth player ever to hit 500 career home runs. to punish Ex:  For this blow, for this time around, I have to punish you to subdue (as ग़ुस्सा- to chop off (as गर्दन- to win (as मैदान- to turn ineffective (as ज़हर- to reduce to ashes (as धातु- to leave Ex:  Consequently, one father has to leave not 1 verberate trump
Suggested : one of the terminal digits of the human foot to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position a landing of an aircraft to deal a blow or stroke to to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position
Exampleमारना का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of मारना:
1. पीएम मोदी खुलासा करें कौन उन्हें मारना चाहता है?: आनंद शर्मा livehindustan.com2. जर्मनी: म्यूनिख हमले का बंदूकधारी कई लोगों को मारना चाहता थाlivehindustan.com3. जर्मनी: म्यूनिख हमले का बंदूकधारी कई लोगों को मारना चाहता था
(मारना) marana can be used as noun, verb, transitive verb or intransitive verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 5 including consonants matras. The word is used as Transitive Verb in hindi . Transliteration : maaranaa
Manoj prajapat 23 March, 2025 G k

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