Meaning of (मुतसद्दी) mutasaddee in english

As noun : secretary Ex:  One other Supreme Court Justice acts as secretary of the Council
reader Ex:  REFERENCE, speaking of a book means a Brand, number, letter or sign, which refers the reader to a similar mark placed outside the text, after which a note is clerk Ex:  The clerk which figures sponsor in charge of Ex:  It is in charge of current affairs guarantor Ex:  I am not the guarantor of the event charge Ex:  It is not enough to judge this charge answerable agent Ex:  H2 is used as a hydrogenating agent
As adjective : accountable responsible Ex:  Parenting is not held responsible for schizophrenia liable Ex:  We can not know whether he is liable only after the surrender of his Account responsive
Other : scribe accountant Ex:  While the terms accountant
Suggested : to impose or ask as a price or fee a person who vouches or is responsible for a person or thing a person employed, as in an office, to keep records, file, type, or perform other general office tasks a person who reads a person, usually an official, who is in charge of the records, correspondence, minutes of meetings, and related affairs of an organization , company, association, etc
Exampleमुतसद्दी का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(मुतसद्दी) mutasaddee can be used as noun or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from English language . Transliteration : mutasaddii

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