Meaning of (मुद्दआ) mudda in english

As noun : purport
tenor construction Ex:  These industries include construction materials drift destination Ex:  Italy is ranked as the fifth major tourist destination in the world. will Ex:  Ottawa will be hosting the 2009 World Junior Hockey Championship . intention Ex:  It also said an action that marks a positive intention or harmful to someone ' a animus mind Ex:  Depending on the capacity of his mind end Ex:  By the end of the seventeenth century gist value Ex:  If the common value is zero, the game becomes pointless. sum Ex:  A sum tenfold means Ex:  This means that for a closed system substance Ex:  Species is the secondary substance that is most proper to its individuals. body Ex:  Further monitoring found the body was actually much smaller: in 1936 meaning Ex:  In Hebrew, the Dead Sea is , meaning "sea of salt," or . significance Ex:  Summing up the significance of the battle point Ex:  The highest point in South Dakota, Harney Peak , is in the Black Hills. the long and short of it
As verb : imply Ex:  Low key, one that does not imply that the fundamental sounds of harmony mean Ex:  Composition does not always mean the use of notation
Suggested : the place to which a person or thing travels or is sent a driving movement or force impulse impetus pressure the act or art of constructing the course of thought or meaning that runs through something written or spoken purport drift to present, especially deliberately, the appearance of being profess or claim, often falsely
Exampleमुद्दआ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
(मुद्दआ) mudda can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including vowels consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender . Transliteration : muddaaa

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