Meaning of (मुस्तफा) mustapha in english

As noun : auspicious उ:   उनका बचपन का नाम मुस्तफा था।
divine Ex:  It also means the knowledge inspired by things human and divine उ:   तुर्की के नये गणतंत्र का राष्ट्रपति मुस्तफा कमाल पाशा बने। virtuous vestal hallowed clear Ex:  It also says the clear evidence a fact which someone is charged fresh Ex:  Copra and fresh coconuts are the major export earners. elect Ex:  elect a leader, heads vintage divine Ex:  It also means the knowledge inspired by things human and divine उ:   तुर्की के नये गणतंत्र का राष्ट्रपति मुस्तफा कमाल पाशा बने। noble Ex:  No condition was said, under the old regime, a noble condition Nobody high Ex:  AC could be stepped up to very high voltages with transformers
As verb : surpassing
As adjective : sacred Ex:  Important compositions since the 15th to the 19th century include sacred verse उ:   मुस्तफा कमाल पाशा ने इसे मानने से इनकार कर दिया। holistic उ:   आधुनिक तुर्की का निर्माता मुस्तफा कमाल पाशा को माना जाता है। holy Ex:  Approaching the holy table humbly solemn Ex:  It means Illuminate especially on the occasion of a festival or a solemn immaculate consecrate refined Ex:  purified, refined sugar pure Ex:  He made the action of its pure and honest will serene pellucid excellent Ex:  I read him an excellent reportage superior Ex:  Push someone in the world, make Him the means to make his fortune, access superior position unexceptionable
As adverb : precious Ex:  The one, the one that works in jewels, precious stones or whose profession is to sell
Suggested : specially recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority consecrated of or pertaining to a god, especially the Supreme Being incorporating the concept of holism in theory or practice promising success propitious opportune favorable devoted or dedicated to a deity or to some religious purpose consecrated
Exampleमुस्तफा का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of मुस्तफा:
1. रिश्वत लेने के आरोप में जयनगर के डीएसपी चंदन पुरी और अनुमंडल पदाधिकारी गुलाम मुस्तफा अंसारी को आज करीब 10 बजे निगरानी की दो अलग अलग टीम ने ट्रैप करके पकड़ लिया हैlivehindustan.com2. - पुलिस के स्पोक्सपर्सन ने बताया कि गिरफ्तार किए गए लोगों के नाम समीर सी (27), मुस्तफा (40) और जावेद (29) के रूप में हुई है bhaskar.com3. पटना| नाबालिगनौकरानी के साथ मारपीट प्रताड़ित करने के मामले में आरोपी जयनगर के एसडीओ गुलाम मुस्तफा अंसारी की मुश्किलें बढ़ सकती हैं
(मुस्तफा) mustapha can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including consonants matras. The word is used as Adjective in hindi . Transliteration : mustaphaa

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