Meaning of (मूर्च्छन) moorcha्chhana in english
As noun : make Ex:  Hurricanes make the coastal area of Virginia vulnerable
weave contract Ex:  The Newland contract calls for Dan Van Epp perpetrate stuff Ex:  Take a stuff the good, the bad side, the good, the bad via burn aim Ex:  Take your aim higher, lower raise Ex:  raise a quarrel with someone bear Ex:  The pavement of the bear said, in allusion to the fable of La Fontaine, the Awkwardness of a friend night you wanting to serve you bring about do with Ex:  It has everything to do with the baby. double park undergo Ex:  The sedimentary rock may again undergo metamorphism. witness Ex:  Serving as a witness for a wedding, for a will remark wind Ex:  adjectively, The wind is northwest go Ex:  The sedimentary rock may again undergo metamorphism. pull Ex:  d'Art Beat a position where one is beaten by enemy artillery or pull against this artillery commission Ex:  The new commission declared him the winner after the polls closed. build Ex:  Diatoms build a frustule from silica extracted from the surrounding water draw Ex:  Making a tangent, draw a tangent to a curve bore exchange Ex:  Ulufa'alu subsequently resigned in exchange for his release. turn hand to make happen drive Ex:  He made drive the game work Ex:  The actors had to work alongside numerous puppets wave Ex:  Because energy of an EM wave is quantized wage come out with set Ex:  One of them, "Someday We'll Be Together", was set to be her first solo single. pay Ex:  They had to pay the jizya to Muslims. lay Ex:  Doctrine to reserve the lay some share in the government Church dig cut Ex:  cut with a knife, said he figuratively and familiarly Things thicker, more substantial than they should be act Ex:  The Newland contract calls for Dan Van Epp give Ex:  Massachusetts was the only state to give its electoral votes to George McGovern plant Ex:  Guyana abounds with plant and animal life. place Ex:  Another match took place in 1986 take Ex:  Germany, where he planned to take a summer program in philosophy.
As verb : do Ex:  Bradman remains the only Australian to do so. perform Ex:  Attach one or more persons with one or more others to perform something carry out anticipate let off accept Ex:  Michigan was forced to accept the western two-thirds of the Upper Peninsula go about deliver zap put to sleep
Suggested : the material of which anything is made to commit an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified to interlace (threads, yarns, strips, fibrous material, etc) so as to form a fabric or material to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc
Exampleमूर्च्छन का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(मूर्च्छन) moorcha्chhana
can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 8 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :