Meaning of (मृदु) maृdu in english
As noun : fine Ex: He'll be fine water under the bridge by then, This thing will not happen so soon believed, and there are opportunities for she can not उ: मृदु मूलतः संस्कृत का शब्द है।
smooth उ: मृदु साबुन का सूत्र एवं कठोर साबुन का सूत्र है। tender उ: पत्तों के अधोपृष्ठ हल्के वर्ण के एवं मृदु रोमश होते हैं। floppy उ: इसी वसा के प्रभाव से बाल और त्वचा स्निग्ध, मृदु और कांतिवान रहते हैं। floury उ: यह भोजन एवं मृदु पेयों में खट्टापन लाने के लिये डाला जाता है। relaxed Ex: but since he is very relaxed squashy light Ex: In the light of the intercepted 15:12 24 October " . pulpy plastic Ex: Dance was often referred to as a plastic art during the Modern dance era. steady weak Ex: Too weak to make the long journey back to the U.S. dead Ex: Rhetoric Figure in which the speaker introduced in his speech is a dead person, absent or feigned, an inanimate thing he personifies it does speak or act piano Ex: Bernstein also studied piano with Isabella Vengerova. faint subdued Ex: Sparta attacked and subdued Elis sluggish tardy deep Ex: DEPTHS, plural, means deep Parties low pitched adagio grave low Ex: Chick development is quite slow for birds dainty
As verb : gentle उ: मृदु संगणन' का आबिर्भाव १९९० के बाद हुआ। supple उ: ताजमहल भारत और उसकी मृदु शक्ति का प्रतीक बन गया है। mincing उ: यह सफेद तथा खाकी रंग का व मृदु होता है तथा संगमरमर की ही एक जाति है। mellow उ: केवल कुछ-कुछ में मृदु कैल्सियमी का काचनुमा कवच होता है। slow Ex: Chick development is quite slow for birds dim dull
As adjective : delicate Ex: Fish of the family Sparoïdes, very common in the Mediterranean, passing into neighboring lakes to the sea, it fattens and becomes a very delicate taste उ: मृदु का अर्थ होता है कोमल। soft Ex: It is sometimes simply opposed Gentle, soft उ: मृदु मुस्कान मुख की शोभा होती है। sensitive Ex: C-reactive protein is a sensitive but non-specific marker for inflammation. उ: यह मृदु सफेद रंग का पारदर्शी व चमकदार होता है। svelte उ: मृदु में ज्वर जाड़ा लगकर आता है। exquisite उ: यह व्राण मृदु होता है। lenient Ex: Too lenient उ: गंगा नदी के पास स्थित होने के कारण यहां का पानी मृदु और ठंडा होता है। fluffy उ: डेनवर की सर्दियां मृदु से शीत तक परिवर्तित होती रहती हैं। soft Ex: It is sometimes simply opposed Gentle, soft उ: मृदु मुस्कान मुख की शोभा होती है। easy Ex: Life in the Franck household was not easy for Haydn mild Ex: It can be generally described as mild in Spring flexible Ex: A flexible character low Ex: Chick development is quite slow for birds sad Ex: I hope nothing of this young man, this is a sad subject rusty flat Ex: The landscape is characterized by mostly flat to rolling coastal plains
Other : gentleness mildness sweet Ex: There is nothing so sweet as to live with his friends slow (as-गति sweetness Ex: The sweetness of sugar, milk, honey, fruit tenderness Ex: We say the same tenderness Effusion mellowness quiet Ex: Keep quiet peaceful Ex: However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes
Suggested : free from projections or unevenness of surface not rough endowed with sensation having perception through the senses of superior or best quality of high or highest grade yielding readily to touch or pressure easily penetrated, divided, or changed in shape not hard or stiff fine in texture, quality, construction, etc
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Usage of मृदु:
1. सीए परीक्षा में दिल्ली की मृदु को मिली दूसरी रैंक LiveHindustan
(मृदु) maृdu
can be used as noun, verb or adjective and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Feminine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :