Meaning of (मौला) maula in english

As noun : employer Ex:  An employer is a person or institution that hires employees or workers.
owner Ex:  Edison became the owner of his Milan possessor boss Ex:  From boss of dawn, when the morning, very early proprietor old man Ex:  It's great pity to see this poor old man carrying a heavy burden royal highness master Ex:  It is, by extension and familiarly, the master of a house chief Ex:  State governments are led by chief ministers lord principal Ex:  The principal tributaries on the Tideway include the rivers Brent governor Ex:  While stressing his successful record as governor of Texas almighty the almighty god maker the deity the creator
Suggested : a father, usually one's own the owner of a business establishment, a hotel, etc a person who employs or superintends workers manager to have as belonging to one have as property own of, pertaining to, or belonging to oneself or itself (usually used after a possessive to emphasize the idea of ownership, interest, or relation conveyed by the possessive)
Exampleमौला का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
Usage of मौला:
1. इसमें मौलाना अली जफर काजमी साहब मौला अली की शान में बयान फरमाएंगे bhaskar.com2. जश्ने विलादते मौला अली पर दो दिनी जलसा 20 से bhaskar.com3. मेरे मौला मेरे मौला से...
(मौला) maula can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from modification of language by locals . Transliteration : maulaa

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