Meaning of nata in english
Interpreting nata - नाटा
As noun : little Ex:  Queen of the Surf", wore little more than a bikini for most of the film. उ: यह नाटा किंतु स्थूलकाय और हलके लाल बालोंवाला होता है।
peewee short Ex:  It is a relatively short flight from Asia or Australia compared to Hawaii dwarf Ex:  The Sun is a yellow dwarf star. half pint runt
Suggested : half of a pint, equal to 8 fluid ounces (1 cup) or 16 tablespoons (02 liter) a person of abnormally small stature owing to a pathological condition, especially one suffering from cretinism or some other disease that produces disproportion or deformation of features and limbs having little length not long very small tiny small in size not big not large tiny
Word of the day
Usage of नाटा:
1. बमबारी के पीछे निकली सईद नाटा की सुपारी LiveHindustan2. अंबेडकर इंस्टीट्यूट में खुला राज्य का पहला नाटा सेंटर LiveHindustanRelated words :As noun : नाटक - play नाटक करना - fake नाटक कला - drama नाटक का अंग - act नाटक का उपसंहार - epilogue नाटक का पात्र - character नाटक का पात्र या नाटक का चरित्र - character
Other : नाट वसंत - नाटक अनुभाग - drama section नाटक अभिनय - dramatic performance नाटक कलाकार - drama artist नाटक का अभिनय - stagery नाटक का आरंभ - prologue नाटक का दृश्य - scenery नाटक का पहला प्रदर्शन - premiere
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 4 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun and/or Adjective in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language .
Transliteration :