Meaning of nam likhana in english

Interpreting nam likhana - नाम लिखाना
As noun : enrol
registration Ex:  The 1583 registration records that Tirana had 110 inhabited areas
As verb : enter Ex:  There is a US$20 per automobile user fee to enter the park. enroll Ex:  Wear an article in a register, a book of accounts, enroll The
Other : enlist Ex:  In 1205 Francis left for Puglia to enlist in the army of the Count of Brienne.
Suggested : to enroll, usually voluntarily, for military service to write the name of (a person) in a roll or register place upon a list register the act of registering to come or go in
Exampleनाम लिखाना का हिन्दी मे अर्थSynonyms of nam likhana Antonyms of nam likhana

Word of the day
nam likhana can be used as noun or verb and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 10 including consonants matras. Transliteration : naama likhaanaa

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