Meaning of nazuk in english

Interpreting nazuk - नाज़ुक
Other : mincing उ:   नाज़ुक हिस्सो को बचा के रखे।
below Ex:  In addition to the Columbian Squires' officers listed below उ:   पसलियों का नाज़ुक फ़्रैक्चर भी पुरुषों में सामान्य है। ticklish उ:   इस प्रकार के नाज़ुक काम काका कालेलकर ने सदा सफलता से किए। delicate Ex:  Attic Salt, spiritual and delicate Way of thinking and expression that characterized the Athenians and their writers उ:   एक नाज़ुक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के बावजूद यहाँ पक्षी जीवन की बहुतायत है। critical Ex:  Roosevelt played a critical role in shaping the post-war world grave Ex:  Pray on someone's grave soft Ex:  Building with soft stones
Suggested : inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily fine in texture, quality, construction, etc sensitive to tickling in or toward a lower place to cut or chop into very small pieces
Exampleनाज़ुक का हिन्दी मे अर्थ

Word of the day
nazuk and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 6 including consonants matras. Transliteration : naazuka

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